The beginning of your child’s education journey can result in many questions for parents and carers. Please visit the websites below for some helpful information on how you can best support your child in these early years.
Merri-Bek Kindergarten Central Erolments: Brentwood Kinder is part of the Merri-Bek City Council Central Enrolment Scheme for Four Year-Old Kindergarten. Here you will find some general information about Kindergarten eligibility and how to apply.
Government Kindergarten Subsidy: The Department of Health and Human Services offers a Kindergarten subsidy to eligible families. This subsidy enables eligible children to attend up to 15 hours a week at a funded kindergarten program in the year before school, free of charge or at minimal cost. Information regarding eligibility for the subsidy can be found on their website.
Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework: The Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework supports all professionals who work with children aged 0-8 years. It includes a range of discipline-specific guidelines and practice resources. Our curriculum at Brentwood Kindergarten is based on the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework.
School Readiness: How do you know if your little one is ready to start school? The Department of Education and Training’s Learning Potential website provides helpful information about school readiness and how you can help your child prepare for big school!
Raising Children’s Network: The Raising Children Network is a complete online resource for Australian parents and carers and is supported by the Australian Government. It offers trusted, reliable, free information about raising children and caring for yourself as a parent or carer.
No Jab No Play – Information for parents: The Better Health Channel and Victorian Department of Health website provides information for parents regarding the No Jab No Play laws which apply to all early childhood education and care services in Victoria.